I went to a screening of this film, hosted by the Village Voice, on February 12th. I go to advanced free screenings frequently - it's one of my favorite things to do - and I have many sources for acquiring tickets. I was afforded the opportunity to view Safe Haven through the Village Voice's Film Club - it's free and you can join by simply entering your email on the paper's website - and its mobile alerts (triggered by texting 61721 to NYCFILM).
I got double tickets because I discovered the mobile method after I had received the email confirmation and thought it would be exciting. And it was! When my friend and I arrived at Sunshine Cinema there was a substantial line waiting for the screening and we got to skip it all because of a text! A text as a screening pass is uncommon and I'm thrilled that embracing the SMS system resulted in a major perk.
Another fun/out-of-the-ordinary aspect of the Safe Haven screening was its afterparty, sponsored by Stella Artois. The audience was invited to 200 Orchard, a nearby bar, directly following the film to enjoy a complimentary cup of Stella. A wristband and a tip for the bartender were the only requirements for grabbing a beer glass and enjoying the glowing spacious insides of 200 Orchard.

I love that my Sparks-induced stress was balanced with beer!

(Pics 1,3,4,7 - photocred to Village Voice Photographer Farooq Alihassan
Pics 2, 5, 6 - photocred to me
Pic 8 - scanned copy of flyer
Pics 9, 10 - photocred to 200 Orchard's website)
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